The #GreenGapChallenge is connecting creatives with causes...environmental justice causes. Currently, the world is at a transformational point around social justice issues and Environmental Justice is one of the lesser talked about ones. Sol Nation joins M4BL and the Poor Peoples Campaign in launching an action that brings awareness to an issue that affects BIPOC communities disproportionately. We are calling our musical artists, poets, writers, and other creatives to share their craft with the world with renewable energy, air pollution, hog farms, and other toxic industries being the topic.
Are you ready for the challenge?
1) Pick a cause (climate change, renewable energy, air pollution, cancer alley, environmental racism, or choose your own)
2) Use your creative gift to produce a piece (poetry, song, dance, prose, etc.)
3) Post that piece to your social media (tag @solnationinc and use the hashtags)
#GreenGap #GreenGapChallenge #GGC #SOLutionSaturdays #EnvironmentalJusticeIs #ClimateJustice #Creative #RacialJustice