Environmental Justice Is...
We introduced Environmental Justice Is... as the theme of the 2019 Sol Summit and we have launched a climate justice solutions based campaign of the same name.. We are linking environmental justice and social justice issues to illustrate that for every social justice issue there is an environmental justice component to it. The campaign allows for interaction with each topic through storytelling, hands-on opportunities, visuals, and practical solutions that communities can implement. The Environmental Justice Is... campaign gives us a rallying point to move forward in, providing greater access to education, resources, infrastructure, power, and liberation with the communities that we serve.

Sol Stories
A catalyst and a connector, bringing voices together, educating, and propelling the conversation around environmental justice and social justice in ways that are authentic to the people we serve, including art, food, music, and culture. Sol Stories amplifies these conversations by adding an visual component to these conversations for a deeper insight of how environmental injustices are streamlined by social injustices.
Watch our featured Sol Stories by clicking on an image below.